Transform your learning experience
Your premier destination for high-quality music education
in and around Sheffield
Transform your learning experience
Your premier destination for high-quality music education
in and around Sheffield
Your premier destination for high-quality music education
in and around Sheffield
Your premier destination for high-quality music education
in and around Sheffield
Founded in 2017 by Jack and Emily Lowe, Lowe Academy of Music and the Arts is dedicated to making music accessible to all through a holistic approach to teaching. With a commitment to inclusivity, the academy places the student and their enjoyment at the core of their philosophy. Offering tailored programs for diverse learning styles, our experienced instructors guide learners of all levels. Beyond traditional music education, Jack and Emily Lowe envision a community where the joy of music enriches lives. Join us at Lowe Academy, where we celebrate the transformative power of music and open doors to artistic exploration for all.
Whether you're seeking lessons for yourself or your child, you've come to the right place.
Lowe Academy offers expert tutoring in a variety of instruments, including Vocals, Piano, Guitar, Drums, Ukulele, Bass Guitar, Music Production, Flute, Violin, and Brass, as well as engaging ensemble experiences like Rock Groups, Orchestras and Choirs, and whole class music delivery for schools.